Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Know These Mobile Phone Repair Traps

As smartphone function is gradually strong, there are all kinds of breakdowns. However, when we take mobile phone to have a repair, we always will meet different problems. Since we don’t know how to judge the fault correctly, we are easy to be cheated by repairing people. Therefore, we should know some mobile phone repair traps, so as to avoid being deceived.

1.    Small flaws become big problems
It is a very common issue while repairing cellphone. In order to avoid this happening, we should do ask the invoice of maintenance, and let repairing business write clearly what cell phone parts we have fixed or replaced.

2.    Steal our mobile phone parts
If the maintenance staff ask us to stay our phone at the stop while fixing, we should check out the phone while finishing maintenance, or ask to retain the damaged parts, so that we can avoid falling into the trap.

3.    Pay higher repairing fees
Undoubtedly we can keep away from this matter only if we don’t be so hurried to fix phone casually. Do pay attention to the store whether there is a clearly marked the price of the maintenance.

Have you ever met with other repairing problems? If so, do let us know. 

1 comment:

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